The Community West Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations that provide the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care in the greater Cleveland area. Harrington elected to top role after nearly 2-decades with the organization.
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Rockwell Metals President Chris Harrington has been on the Community West Foundation Board of Directors for newly 17 years but just stepped into a leadership role as Chairman of the organization.
"This is a great honor and a challenge I gladly embrace, " says Harrington. "I've been involved with the Community West Foundation for many years. I've always believed in giving back to our community and Community West is a great way to do that."
Harrington joined the Community West Foundation board in 2006 when the late Dr. Ted Castele, Chair Emeritus with the Foundation, encouraged him to get involved. “I liked their mission, and when Dr. Ted would ask you to volunteer, you gladly did it,” admits Chris.
Prior to taking over as Board Chair, Chris was the Vice Chair of the Board of Directors, and chaired the Finance Committee. He also served on the Audit, Executive, Investment and Nominating Committees.
“This charitable organization is very unique. The people who work and volunteer here make it very special. Their dedication to the mission is extraordinary,” Chris commented.
Harrington grew up in the Detroit area. He attended Albion College, where he was a competitive swimmer, and graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Management in 1979.
Chris came to Cleveland in 1989 and, for many years, he was Executive Vice President of Aluminum Line Products Co. He left in 2010 to co-found Rockwell Metals Company in Lorain.
Community West Foundation is dedicated to supporting organizations that provide the basic needs of food, clothing, shelter, and medical care in the greater Cleveland area.
Originally known as the Fairview/Lutheran Foundation, Community West has been supporting these Cleveland Clinic hospitals as well as many community non-profit agencies through grantmaking since 1997. Under the guidance of the Board of Directors, Community West has grown its giving exponentially over the past 20 years. In 2019, Community West distributed $7M in grants.
The mission of Community West Foundation is to advance the health and well being of our community. The staff and Board of Directors are guided by the words in Matthew 25:35-40:
“For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me… Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.”
For more information, contact Community West Foundation at 440-360-7370 or visit