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[Westlake, OH] — Community West Foundation announced that it has awarded a total of one million in grants during the third quarter of 2023 to nonprofit organizations dedicated to improving the lives of individuals affected by mental and physical health challenges, addiction recovery and disabilities.
The Community West Foundation Board of Directors approved $930,000 in third quarter grants to nonprofit agencies that are located in Cleveland, Western Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties. An additional $142,000 was distributed through their Community Impact Fund bringing the grand total to $1,072,000. The Community Impact Fund was established for donors who want to invest alongside Community West’s mission knowing that contributions would be distributed directly to grantees quarterly.
The grants, which were distributed to a diverse group of nonprofits in our community, will support a wide range of services and programs that address the unique needs of individuals and families facing these challenges.
Community West Foundation is deeply grateful for the dedication and hard work of the nonprofit organizations that provide these vital services. Marty Uhle, President and CEO at Community West Foundation stated, "We are honored to be able to contribute $1 million once again this quarter to support these essential initiatives. The work of these nonprofits is invaluable and we are proud to partner with them to create positive change in our community."
Organizations receiving grants include:
Cuyahoga County:
Beck Center for the Arts - Creative arts therapies for adults with disabilities
Blossom Hill - Provides residential, respite, and supportive living centers for adults with developmental disabilities
Canopy Child Advocacy Center - Enables coordinated child abuse investigations to reduce trauma and provide immediate services that promote justice and healing
Cleveland Hearing & Speech Center - Serves children and adults with special communications needs
Cleveland Rape Crisis Center - Provides short-term intensive crisis intervention for survivors of sexual trauma
Connecting for Kids - Provides education and support for families with a concern about their child
Cornerstone of Hope - Provides support, education, and hope for grieving adults, youth, and families
EDWINS Leadership and Restaurant Institute - Offers formerly incarcerated adults a foundation in the culinary and hospitality industries and a support network necessary for long-term success
Empower Sports - Provides sports and exercise programs for children and adults with physical and cognitive disabilities
Far West Center - Community mental health center providing behavioral health services for residents of Western Cuyahoga County and Lorain County
Hispanic UMADAOP (Urban Minority Alcoholism and Drug Abuse Outreach Programs) - Provides culturally sensitive prevention education, harm reduction, treatment and re-entry programs for Hispanic residents of Greater Cleveland
Joseph and Mary’s Home - Provides medical respite and recuperation for adults experiencing homelessness
Julie Billiart Schools - Elementary schools for children with special learning needs
LifeAct - Provides suicide prevention programs for middle school and high school students
Malachi House - Residential home that preserves human dignity for terminally ill individuals
Mental Health & Addiction Advocacy Coalition - Advocates to increase awareness of issues impacting people with mental illnesses and addiction disorders and advance policies for Ohioans affected by mental illnesses and addiction disorders
NAMI Greater Cleveland - Empowers those living with mental illness and their family members to achieve a better quality of life by providing education, support, information and referral, and advocacy
Neighborhood Family Practice - Provides health care, including midwifery, to refugees and low-income residents of Cleveland
Providence House - Crisis nursery committed to child abuse prevention and family preservation
Safe Families for Children Alliance - Network of host families that care for vulnerable children in households facing a crisis
Stella Maris - Provides addiction recovery and management services, including supportive housing
The Edna House for Women - Residential addiction recovery and management center for women
The Lantern Center for Recovery - Residential addiction recovery center for men
The Metanoia Project - Provides hot meals, services, showers, clothing, hygiene, and trauma-informed overnight hospitality during the winter
The Turn - Non-clinical adaptive fitness and recreation opportunities for teens and adults with disabilities
United Way of Greater Cleveland - Funds Scholar House, a 40-unit apartment complex with wraparound services for single college-student parents and their minor children
Urban Community School - Grant provides funding for a student and family social worker
Youth Challenge - Provides free adapted sports and recreational activities for young people with disabilities
Lorain County:
Lorain County Free Clinic - Provides health care services to uninsured and underinsured individuals
Lorain County Safe Harbor – Genesis House: Provides a comprehensive range of family-focused services for Lorain County victims of domestic violence
Community West Foundation is focused on helping people restore dignity by supporting organizations that provide basic needs programs and services in Cleveland, Western Cuyahoga and Lorain Counties.
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