The U.S. aluminum industry is a key element of the nation's manufacturing base. Strong, lightweight and recyclable, aluminum is a material uniquely suited to meet the needs and challenges of the 21st century. From increasing vehicle fuel efficiency to green building products to sustainable packaging, aluminum is well positioned in the U.S. and global markets.
Courtesy The Aluminum Association

Rockwell Metals delivers sheet & coil, aluminum extrusions, and fabricated parts to several Industries
For nearly a decade, the Aluminum Association has worked with research firm John Dunham & Associates to produce economic impact impact studies that capture U.S. aluminum jobs, wages, output and other information on an ongoing basis. Data is sortable to the congressional district level.
Today, the U.S. aluminum industry:
Directly employs more than 164,000 workers and indirectly supports an additional 470,000 workers.
Directly generates more than $73 billion in economic output and indirectly generates an additional $103 billion in economic output.
Supports more than 634,000 direct, indirect and induced jobs and more than $176 billion in economic output.
Committed or invested more than $9 billion in domestic manufacturing since 2013.

A 2022 study by economic research firm John Dunham & Associates highlights the importance of the aluminum industry to the U.S. economy.
Overall employment in the domestic aluminum industry has been largely steady for most of the past decade, though jobs overall did decline slightly between our 2020 and 2022 studies. These shifts were offset by an increase in jobs in the primary aluminum segment in the 2020 report, which represent about 3% of U.S. aluminum jobs overall.
Other Key Findings:
Workers directly employed by the U.S. aluminum industry earn over $13 billion in wages and benefits.
When all employment supported by the industry is taken into account, these jobs generate nearly $15 billion in federal, state and local taxes.